Tuesday, December 22, 2009

   Had hoped to ''be ın the Hoıly Land'' by Christmas. Unfortunately I got turned down for a visa at the Syrian border south of Antakya, Turkey- they were intansigent, said I had to go through the embassy (in Washington). So I biked back to Turkey which I am enjoying, notwithstanding lots of ıncredible thunder/lıghtning storms.
   Time to send out my annual holiday card, this will be the first year as an electronic one- see pictures below, Merry Christmas from Ailes Photography 2009.


  1. dear benjamin,we are happy to see u in antakya.
    Nights are Dark but Days are Light,
    Wish your Life will always be Bright.
    So my Dear don’t get Fear
    Coz, God Gift us a “Brand New Year”.
    Happy New Year!
    Burçin from tourism information in antakya :)

  2. Merry Christmas old buddy....it's gonna be windy soon. Be safe and hurry home. Beer and peanuts await down at the old marina.


  3. Ben,

    We are cheering you on! Too bad you couldn't make it to the holy land, but you did great!. Happy Holidays and get back to us safe so we can buy you dinner and a beer.


  4. Ben, Happy New Year! Travel safely and stay warm. Wonderful fotos.


  5. from Janie:
    Missed you at Christmas with 2 dogs, a cat and sundry people. Love, Ta Soeur

  6. Benjy, You look so skinny in the red-shirt photo. WOW, the bicycle diet...Janie

  7. Burcin, that was sweet of you to leave me a poem on my blogsite- here it is Jan, 11th and I have only now just checked the messages people have written, I am in Konacik, at "Orient Camping"- come on over- it is beautiful here!

  8. Steve W. great to hear from you and I miss all my fellow acid burnouts down at the marina- please give them all my best regards, from Konacik, Turkey- very windy here by the way.

  9. Matt, Donna, great to hear from you, I am presently planning my next move-bike, otobus? Today I mowed grass in a campground for 5 hours (something different!)
